Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lesson 4

Learning and Doing Gender

Gender Role Socialization through media: Men should use this product because it is manly and fit for them and their needs. 

 Heteronormativity: A man and a woman portrayed in this sign, a normal pair. What about a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, is that not normal too??

Gender Role Socialization through media and school:
BOYS PLAY WITH BOY TOYS..learning to be a boy.

Gender Role Socialization through school and media:
A boy scanning a toy made for his gender, to fit in with the boys.

Gender Role Socialization through school and media:
Because this seems normal for their gender..learning to be a girl.

Lesson 3

 Culture and Ideology

Culture has much to do with gender socialization and polarization: how women should dress and work as and how men should act and look like. For example, here, portrayed in Armenian dolls. 

Taken in my room, a photo of a wooden plank that resembles the Led Zeppelin IV cover. I just found it interesting because it portrays a farmer-like man, working the fields. This can portray what farmer men should be doing, not women. 

An Armenian girl doll, with her sewing kit in her hand. 
Functionalism: more appropriate for a woman to do such a job, as portrayed with this doll. 

(Do not mind my obsession with dolls from all around the world)
Another cultural icon, from Austria, a woman in her appropriate attire as a housewife.

Another example of how men and women are portrayed in items and dolls. Looking at the sexual dimorphism, as well as the action of the man and woman. Especially the woman holding a basket, a role fit for her gender, as functionalists would say. 

Lesson 2

Biology, Sex, and Gender

This photo was taken at Blue Fish restaurant in Montrose. It portrays a woman's sign indicating the woman's restroom. But what about intersex? Should restrooms be categorized this way?

This photo was taken at Blue Fish restaurant in Montrose. It portrays a man's sign indicating the male restroom. But what about intersex? Should restrooms be categorized this way?



This is not a photo I have taken, but I do own and play the Halo video games. It portrays sexual dimorphism within all types of characters in the game: humans & aliens.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lesson 1

Sociological Constructs And Theories

An interesting picture taken at Barnes and Nobles, which portrays the famous author Mark Twain. Mark Twain once stated, "I would like to see the ballot in the hand of every woman." The sociological term feminism applies to this idea, and suffrage was one of the main aspects that feminists fought for in the second wave of feminism.

Symbolic Interactionism: Concept of gender is socially constructed, maintained, and reproduced in our every day lives. Shown in this image, aisles at a department store categorized which this concept in mind. 

The same concept of symbolic interactionism applies here to certain items categorized for the use of each gender. 

A picture I pulled out from an old album. This was taken in Yerevan, Armenia in the summer of 2011 and portrays a woman fighting for a cause. Her shirt reads: "I am a feminist." This shows the strength of the movement within other cultures, and in other countries, among many women. 

The infamous World War Two poster portraying a woman and another sociological concept of feminism. Referring to the strength and capability of women to succeed within all fields, even masculine ones. An image seen everywhere and a picture I took of one hanging in the classroom of my high school history teacher (who is in fact, a feminist).